In this issue: State PFAS bans face criticism, while concerns mount about the safety and training implications of tightening F-gas regulations in the EU. Stay informed with Forum Five, your source for the latest HVACR industry news and updates. In our Q1 2024 issue, we share 5 industry stories you may have missed, covering the ongoing concerns surrounding PFAS and F-gas regulations.
Ammonia’s impact on the environment, specifically aquatic life is concerning. While the human health hazards of ammonia leaks are fairly well known, the environmental impact of ammonia is also concerning. For instance, when ammonia dissolves in water, it forms ammonium hydroxide, which endangers aquatic life even in low concentrations. The Environmental Defense Fund states that an ammonia spill can be more detrimental to fish than […]
The use of ammonia as a cooling product in facilities poses health hazards and environmental risks. The use of ammonia as a cooling product in facilities poses health hazards and environmental risks.
Venting on Venting: The Concern with EPA’s SNAP Rule 26 Despite the hazardous nature of propane (R-290), a recent EPA notice of proposed rulemaking seeks to expand its uses in refrigeration and air conditioning systems while also exempting these systems from Clean Air Act venting restrictions. If finalized, this rule would allow for propane venting during system installation, maintenance, repair, and disposal, which raises significant […]
UNEP Report Insights: TFA and the Environment A recent report by the United Nations Environment Programme’s Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (UNEP EEAP) sheds new light on trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) in the global environment. The report, Environmental Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Interactions with Climate Change, adds to a growing body of evidence that shows: Concerns about manmade TFA arising […]
Pressure Points: Downsides of CO2-based Refrigerants Supermarkets face intense pressure to increase sales, reduce costs and importantly, adhere to changing regulations. That’s why choosing the right refrigeration system is critical. CO2-based refrigeration systems fall short. They’re not reliable, energy-efficient, cost-effective, or easy to maintain. The good news? There are other low-GWP refrigerant options for retailers and supermarkets, like low-GWP HFCs, HFOs, […]