FRANCE: Initial results show that energy savings of 33% have been achieved by the new Trane CenTraVac chillers using the HFO 1233zd(E) to cool the Channel Tunnel link between the UK and France.

The figures released yesterday for Europe’s largest cooling system reveal an energy reduction of 4.8GWh, relating to savings of approximately €500,000 in 2017. Going forward, operators are confident that annual savings of around 40% can be sustained.

The four Series E chillers using the new HFO refrigerant 1233zd(E) have been installed over the last two years to mitigate the effects of the heat generated by the high-speed trains as they pass through the tunnel connecting the UK with France. They replaced eight ageing York Titan chillers which have served the tunnel since it opened in 1994.

Without round-the-clock cooling, the heat generated by high-speed trains passing through the 50.5km-long tunnel under the English Channel would drive indoor temperatures above 35°C, which is the maximum that can be reached while still running services in optimal condition. The new system ensures that ambient temperatures stay at or around 25°C.

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